Sunday, February 24, 2013

Eating When Hungry, Or Eating When Bored?

Food is one of the most important things on this earth. We use it to stay alive, for nourishment and for celebration. In some cultures, food even takes on spiritual qualities, and the experience of eating is elevated to the ecstatic, the holy, and the ceremonial.

We are lucky to live in a time and place where many people have access to plenty of food to eat, but this excess has come with an unhealthy side effect. Many people have become divorced from eating in a mindful way, and as a result, obesity is on the rise. People are now in need of asking, “Am I only eating when hungry, or am I just eating because I can?”

Only Eating When Hungry: A Few Strategies
  • Distract yourself. Instead of heading to the kitchen every time your mind starts to wander, take a short walk to get your blood flowing. Even just ten minutes outside will give you an energy boost and might even give you some inspiration for better things to do than mindlessly snack. Alternatively, you can call a friend, do your nails, or draw a picture.
  • Have a drink of water. It has been suggested that the body sometimes has a hard time differentiated between hunger and thirst. If you’re feeling a little bored and a little hungry, pour yourself a glass of water. Many times this will be refreshing, and you’ll realize that you’re not really hungry any way. Plus, going to the kitchen to get water will give you something to do for a minute or two!
  • If you do feel hungry enough to have a snack, The Huffington Post suggests putting your food on a plate to keep yourself from overindulging. When you are eating out of a big bag of potato chips, you will invariably lose track of how much you’ve had to eat. What may have started out as a relatively harmless little snack can snowball into an all out binge if you don’t keep a little perspective.
Learning to eat mindfully and to make healthy choices are important skills to learn. Listening to your body will help you stay healthy and happy!

  • “7 Ways To Stop Eating Out Of Boredom”, Huffington Post

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