Thursday, May 30, 2013

Ten Fun Facts About Indonesia

Fact 1
Indonesia is an expansive country. It takes over 12 hours of flying time to get from North Sumatra, which is at one end of the country, to West Papua Guinea, which is at the other end.

Fact 2
It is the largest archipelago in the world and consists of thousands of islands. Only close to six thousand of these are inhabited.

Fact 3
The islands of Borneo and New Guinea in Indonesia are two of the world’s largest islands.

Fact 4
The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora that stands on Sumbawa Island was the world’s most powerful volcanic eruption in recorded history. This eruption affected the climate of the entire globe and was known as the "year without summer".

Fact 5
A volcanic eruption destroyed the Krakatoa Island here in 1883. It also resulted in a tidal wave in which over thirty thousand people were killed.

Fact 6
Indonesia is a segment of the Ring of fire that includes around 75% of the world’s volcanoes.

Fact 7
The fossils of Homo erectus “Java man” have been found at Surakarta nd Sangiran in Central Java which suggests that this area was inhabited even 2million -500,000 years ago.

Fact 8
The Europeans set out for Indonesia as part of their search of spices which were an extremely valuable commodity in their home country. One of the first Europeans to visit Indonesia was Marco Polo.

Fact 9
Indonesia is one of the largest producers of nutmeg in the world.

Fact 10
The equator cuts right across Sumatra, Sulwesiand, Kalimantan and other small islands which lie in the middle of this country. The equator line is a very popular tourist spot.

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